[Mummification Story] Became a Mummy for Breaking the Rules of Student Orientation

At a university, let’s call it PM University, a rather strange rule was implemented for freshmen during Student Orientation. Oddly, only the first person caught breaking a rule during the orientation would face a punishment known as “mummification.”

The person in question would be mummified by the organizing committee for a set period of time. It was certainly unusual, but that was the rule.

Susan, a first-year student in the pharmacy department, was one such example.

The Student Orientation was held over three days.

On the first day of orientation, Susan and all the other participants didn’t make any mistakes. They were incredibly lucky.

The next day, the committee still didn’t find any mistakes or rule violations among the participants. Wow, such discipline!

Unfortunately, on the third day, Susan was caught breaking a rule. She had overslept and arrived at the campus at 7:00 AM, even though the orientation had started at 6:45.

To make matters worse, Susan was the only one caught by the committee.

She was escorted by two seniors to a room on the 7th floor of PM University. The room only contained a spring bed and a small wardrobe.

“Okay, put your stuff in the wardrobe. Wait here,” said one of the seniors, leaving the room, while the other stood guard at the door to make sure Susan didn’t try to escape.

“Here, change into this,” said the senior when he returned to the room where Susan’s punishment would take place.

“What? Do I really have to wear a swimsuit in a room like this?” Susan asked with a frown.

“You have to follow the rules here! Do you want to repeat orientation next year with the freshmen? If you don’t like it, don’t go to college here!” the senior snapped angrily.

“Fiiine,” Susan reluctantly agreed.

Susan quickly went to the changing room and put on the swimsuit that was given to her. Then she returned to the execution room.

Shortly afterward, a young man named Edo came into the room carrying a lot of microfoam tape and plastic wrap.

Without saying much, Edo forced Susan to stand up and stretch her arms out. He then wrapped her tightly in plastic wrap from her head to her knees.

After that, Susan was laid down on the bed and wrapped again in microfoam tape.

Whatever technique Edo used, the mummification was perfect and extremely tight. Susan even felt short of breath and completely trapped, even though she had only been wrapped in two layers.

“Mmmmpphh!” Susan groaned.

“Now, you see what kind of punishment this is, right?” Edo asked while tidying up his supplies.

“Mmmmpphh, mmmmpphh!” Susan replied, still wrapped up.

“Okay, my job’s done. You might not be released until the orientation is over later this afternoon,” Edo said as he shut the door.

“Mmmphhh, MMMPPPHHH!” Susan struggled, but it was all in vain.

She rolled around, but none of the wrapping tore.

Occasionally, she heard the door open and close. It seemed that the security team was checking on her and taking pictures of her mummified form.

Three hours passed since Susan was mummified at 8 AM, and she grew weaker. She just lay limp on the bed. Suddenly, the door opened, and a senior entered with a drink and some milk.

He unwrapped the tape around Susan’s face.

“Please, let me out! It’s so hot in here!” Susan said weakly, her face covered in sweat.

The senior said nothing and simply wiped Susan’s face before offering her the drinks.

“Here, drink this so you don’t get dehydrated. And here’s some milk to fill your stomach so you won’t be too hungry,” he said.

Susan drank the beverages offered to her through a straw from the glass.

After finishing, Susan again begged the senior to release her.

“Please, let me out! I’m suffering here. It’s so hot, and I can’t move,” Susan pleaded.

“Stop complaining! The orientation isn’t over yet, so I can’t just let you go,” the senior shouted in a stern tone.

He stuffed Susan’s mouth with a foam ball again and forcefully wrapped her face with microfoam tape.

“Mmmmpphhh!!!!” Susan screamed from within the wrapping.

Her muffled cries could barely be heard outside the room.

Susan continued to roll around, struggling for several more times, but she only became more exhausted.

At 3:00 PM, the orientation finally ended. Meanwhile, Susan was still mummified in the room.

“Well, did you learn your lesson?” a senior asked.

“That’s why you shouldn’t be late. Try to be a little more disciplined,” he added.

“Mmmmpphh!” Susan’s voice was now weak and faint.

The senior finally unwrapped her and gave her an oxygen mask. Susan rested on the bed for about an hour.

When she woke up, Susan was surprised to find herself in the Campus Health Room, still wearing the swimsuit.

“Whoa, so the punishment is over,” said the nurse on duty, handing Susan some water.

“…yeah, it was so hot inside that wrapping. I think I’m dehydrated,” Susan said, panting.

“Just rest up. Here’s a letter from the Student Executive Body (SEB),” the nurse said to Susan.

The letter stated that Susan had passed the Student Orientation and wouldn’t have to repeat it next year.

Feeling a mix of relief and exhaustion, Susan quickly changed in the locker room and headed home.

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