RandyMummify.com is an adult video sales site with the category BDSM (Mummification). This site is freely accessible to anyone and anywhere with certain exceptions. All images on this site are free to save or download but are copyright protected.

All models in the video are adult models aged 18 years or over and all scenes in the video are an agreement between the model and RandyMummify. So nothing is forced in the videos sold on this site.

This site only displays photos of the scenes in the video. All videos must be purchased by consumers and consumers will get a download link.

Videos that have been purchased by consumers will be sent no later than 24 hours from the time of purchase due to differences in time. If the purchase is made at 06.00-21.00 GMT + 8 then the video will be processed immediately. RandyMummify.com does not limit the number of downloads, but the video link is only active for 7 days, so buyers must immediately download the purchased video immediately.

RandyMummify.com does not accept cancellation of purchases for any reason but video exchange is permitted in cases such as:
1. Broken Video (Will be checked first)
2. Double Purchase (Have purchased before, must attach proof of purchase)

Refunds are only valid if the Consumer has purchased “All our videos” and made a double purchase on a new video which leaves the consumer with no other choice to replace the multiple purchase, a refund will be made. If the above options are not met, consumers will be given the option of choosing another video with the same price or the same price.




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