[Mummification Story] Cosplaying as a Mummy

Rita Adha is a girl from Bali who recently graduated from high school this year. She is currently studying at a university in Bali. As a college student, she didn’t want to just attend classes and then go straight home. She wanted to join a campus community or student organization (UKM).

One day, she received a WhatsApp message from someone she didn’t know, let’s call him Roni. Roni claimed to be a fan of cosplay photography and was looking for members for his cosplay community. Naively, Rita accepted Roni’s invitation and met him at his rented house.

When she arrived, they greeted each other briefly. After about 15 minutes, Roni asked Rita to wear a Sailor Moon costume from the anime.

“Here, put on the Sailor Moon outfit. Then we’ll head to the room, and after that, we’ll start the photo session,” said Roni.

Rita agreed and went to the bathroom to change into the costume. After that, she went straight to the room Roni had mentioned. At first, Rita was confused because there were no special decorations or preparations in the room. It looked just like a typical dorm room.

“Are you sure we’re doing the scene here?” asked Rita.

“Yes, we’re seriously doing it here!” Roni replied.

“Then what’s with all the tape on the table?” Rita was puzzled by the large amount of tape on the table.

“Don’t worry, that’s for the props. Just follow my lead; it’s easy. You’ll be wrapped up in that tape,” explained Roni.

“What kind of cosplay is that supposed to be?”

“Just follow along, don’t overthink it!” shouted Roni as he began wrapping Rita in plastic wrap.

Rita looked confused, but she continued to follow Roni’s instructions. She was first wrapped in plastic wrap to cover her body and face, preventing the tape from sticking directly to her skin. As she was being wrapped up halfway, Rita nervously asked Roni, “Is this safe? I’m worried I won’t be able to breathe!”

Roni replied, “Relax, I’m not covering your nose.”

Roni quickly proceeded to wrap Rita in white tape, covering her entire body and face, leaving only her feet uncovered so she could stand up.

“Okay, can you stand?” Roni asked.

“Mmpphhh,” came Rita’s muffled response.

Roni then helped Rita stand and decorated her with red tape to enhance her mummy costume. Shortly after, Roni began recording a close-up video of Rita, who was now wrapped head to toe.

“Mmpphh, mmpphhh!” Rita mumbled again.

“Ah, feeling stiff, huh? Okay, let’s lay you down again,” said Roni, laying Rita back on the bed and placing a pillow under her head. He continued wrapping her legs with more white tape, followed by additional red tape for decoration.

“Alright, all done. Now, do you realize what you’re actually cosplaying as?” Roni asked.

Rita finally realized that she wasn’t cosplaying an anime character, but instead, she had become a beautifully decorated mummy created by Roni.

“Mmpphh,” Rita made a sound and nodded, indicating she had figured it out.

While Roni tidied up the props in the room, Rita seemed to be enjoying herself, lying on the bed wrapped in layers of tape.

Suddenly, Roni grabbed the pillow from the bed and left Rita alone in the room.

“I’m going to step out for a bit to save your photos,” Roni said.

“EMmmppphh, MMMPPPHHH!” Rita muffled, panicking as Roni locked the door and left for the living room to transfer the files of the mummy photos. Rita, now worried, continued to struggle and tried to struggle by wriggling her body. As she resisted, Rita moved like a worm squirming on the bed.

About an hour later, Roni returned to the room and found Rita lying exhausted from struggling while he had left her alone.

“Mmpphh…,” Rita weakly mumbled.

Realizing what had happened, Roni quickly grabbed a pair of scissors and carefully freed Rita from the tape. Afterward, he apologized for not telling her from the start that she would be cosplaying as a mummy.

“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier. But, you know, this is a rare cosplay, and not many people are brave enough to try it like you,” Roni explained.

“Ah, you! It was scary, you know! I couldn’t speak, couldn’t see, and you wrapped me up like a mummy or even like a pocong!” Rita replied, clearly annoyed.

“But, for some reason, there was something different about it. It felt kind of relaxing,” Rita added. Despite her initial discomfort, she had actually enjoyed being wrapped as a mummy.

“Wow, it looks like you really did enjoy it. This is called mummification. I know it sounds weird, and it looks strange too, but it can be quite therapeutic, especially for girls like you. Girls usually like things that are tight, right? Hehe. Want to do another scene?” Roni asked.

“Maybe, yeah. I do want to try it again, but not right now. I’m all sweaty and my chest feels tight from being wrapped up earlier,” Rita replied.

“Alright, this is your reward for being my model. If you ever want to do another scene and need some money, just come back, and you can be a mummy again,” Roni said, handing her 1 million rupiah.

Receiving the money, Rita’s mood lifted instantly, like a child receiving a gift from their parents. The timing was perfect as she needed money for her living expenses.

“Wow, thanks a lot! This came at the right time, hehe,” said Rita as she changed back into her clothes and packed her belongings.

“Take care on your way home. We’ll do another scene some other time, okay?” Roni said as he bid her farewell.

Rita happily headed home, feeling content with how the day had turned out.

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